The Philosophy of Strategic Stubbornness

How being stubborn can actually help you Succeed. How to instil it into our life.

🦣 Bharath Kodancha 🌮
4 min readJul 24, 2020


Successful people are stubborn about their decisions and see it through. But it’s not blind stubbornness, it’s a conscious one, a strategic stubbornness in a way. Stubbornness to stay decisive about the Vision and being flexible in their approach

What often separates Succesful from the rest, is that they just tried harder and more than the rest. It isn’t to say that they’re immune to failures or setbacks. It’s just that, they didn’t let it pin them down. When they were put to ground, they dusted themself, got up and tried one more time.

It is often your decisiveness and stubbornness to stick to your Vision and decisions that will determine your success.

Decisions are often the pathways that take you to a certain route in your Life.

How you arrived on that decision is a totally different process and story altogether. Whatever might be the reason, it doesn’t make sense to go back and question the process, once you’ve made your decision.

All that truly matters at the end, is to be decisive to your decisions and stay true to it. Given, it isn’t easy, especially with the multitude of opportunities floating around, it obviously makes sense to be prepared with it. A few tricks can always help you when you need to be decisive about your decision and are finding it difficult

Backing it with a purpose

A strong WHY can always answer any HOW. Any decision backed with a strong purpose will guide you in your situations of doubts and uncertainty.

Before taking any decision, be sure to chart out a strong purpose, that thrusts you forward when you feel unsure. Take the purpose and keep reminding it to yourself whenever you feel the doubt creeping up.

Write it on a piece of paper and keep it with you all the times. That does the trick for Me. Figure out what works for you & do that!

Playing the alternative

OK. So, you made a decision and now you are struggling to stick on to it. You feel as though you made a mistake.

In such cases, just pause for a moment. Just rewind and go back to the time when you were making the decision. Now just play the alternative scenario where you would have taken the path of another decision.

Most of the times, whatever may be the reason, you took a decision for a reason. It had some thought behind it and you felt this was the best decision at that scenario. Any other path would have definitively led to disaster.

Imagine the other route going bad. Think of all the reasons that could go wrong. Most of the times, it’ll help you regain confidence in your decision and help you stay on your track.

Understanding that you hold the key

At any given point, a decision is a choice you made. It was a CHOICE, that YOU made. You thought about the alternatives and arrived what you thought was the best course of action.

You can never actually know whether those are good or bad. They are just that — Choices. And besides, there are no good or bad decisions — You just take a decision & make it work. It’s all on You!

Honestly, there aren’t any good or bad decisions. It is, in the end, up to You. You hold the key to the hustle and make your decisions and choices good.

You will need to make sure you prove you took the right call, by giving your all. As simple and complicated as that.


Sticking to your decisions at the end of the day rests in your hand. It is you who makes the difference. It is up to you to make sure you stay decisive.

You will need to back your decision with a purpose, make yourself realize that there are no other alternatives and whatever you’re doing is the best course of action. Realize that You’ve to take ownership and make things work, rather than hoping it would work out. You make sure you realize that there aren’t good or bad decisions and you need to work to make sure you make it right.




🦣 Bharath Kodancha 🌮

👻 Learning Architect ✒️ & Digital Craftsman 🛠️ | Building the Future of Education & Aligning Tech with The UN's Sustainable Goals 🔖 | Newsletter Nerd 🗞️